MAY 28,2022
PG Room
Time: 2:00 PM
Venue: PG Room
Team Size: 1-3
Coordinators: Prof. Raghuram, Dr. Sunil Mathad, Abhishek Kulkarni, Harshawardhan Javali.
Contact: 9481450177, 9880502110, 8123603092, 9380707948
Rules and Regulations:
- Team and Individual Entries are allowed.
- A team shall consist of maximum 3 participants only.
- Replacement of any participant of a team is not allowed after registration.
- Judging criteria: complexity of the circuit, uniqueness in the pattern, number of patterns generated.
- Registration fees: Rs. 150 per team.
LED pattern generation using any basic circuits / Microcontroller/ Arduino UNO / Raspberry Pi etc.
- Event consists of only 1 round.
- Participants must bring their designed circuit (prototype model) prior to the event.